Helloooo everyone!
Long time no see!
Actually I had no time or anything to blog, but there's a reason I'm posting this.
I'm in Japan from 18th december to 17th january, and I'm gonna post a diary every few days, and I'm trying to make a daily diary on my facebook like page:
So please like my page to be up to date!
I'll make a giveaway for my facebook "fans" as well if I reach 100 likes! ♥
I'll post mostly on Instagram so, maybe you should follow me there! yasha_hime / http://Instagram.com/yasha_hime
See you then♥
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014
Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014
Montag, 17. Februar 2014
DoJaku #43
At first: I have a new layout for my blog, what do you say?
I tried to make the header and the background in the same colour but it did not work properly ;;
Yesterday I went to the DoJaku in Dortmund, which is a small convention held every month!
It was the first time after around 4 years that I went to a convention without Maya... But she had to study for her university exams! (>△<*)
In the end Shinpei didn't come too, so I asked my sister but she didn't get up in the morning when I was already all dressed up...
I wanted to meet Isabella there, a cute girl which I met at Connichi, so I messaged her that I was not going anymore because I hate going somewhere without anyone and I was so shy meeting her alone because I did not saw her for half a year.
In the end I went anyway because she was so sweet and told me I should still come!
And I'm not regretting it!
I had a really funny day even though I am weird and was not able to talk to her and her friends in the beginning. I hate being so shy but I always think I am annoying... (┰_┰)
But they were all very friendly so I tried talking properly with them!
I felt really old because normally I'm still the youngest in my normal group of friends but lately all people I like are younger than me? xD It's okay because I don't think it's bad, but still strange somehow!
Lately I try to dress up more.. proper fairy kei?
The wig is a new one I got from my taobao christmas order! (I still need to post my haul~)
When I was there I also took a few pictures, but not a lot because the sun was shining too much and then I forgot and gaah..
But here are the few I took!
So.. Yeah, this was my day? xD
I really enjoyed it and hope to repeat it in the future if I did not annoy them in the end >3<~
What do you think about my look of that day? ^^
Hope you liked my post ♥ I'd be happy about comments! ♥
See you later ♥
At first: I have a new layout for my blog, what do you say?
I tried to make the header and the background in the same colour but it did not work properly ;;
Yesterday I went to the DoJaku in Dortmund, which is a small convention held every month!
It was the first time after around 4 years that I went to a convention without Maya... But she had to study for her university exams! (>△<*)
In the end Shinpei didn't come too, so I asked my sister but she didn't get up in the morning when I was already all dressed up...
I wanted to meet Isabella there, a cute girl which I met at Connichi, so I messaged her that I was not going anymore because I hate going somewhere without anyone and I was so shy meeting her alone because I did not saw her for half a year.
In the end I went anyway because she was so sweet and told me I should still come!
And I'm not regretting it!
I had a really funny day even though I am weird and was not able to talk to her and her friends in the beginning. I hate being so shy but I always think I am annoying... (┰_┰)
But they were all very friendly so I tried talking properly with them!
I felt really old because normally I'm still the youngest in my normal group of friends but lately all people I like are younger than me? xD It's okay because I don't think it's bad, but still strange somehow!
This was my outfit ♥
and my face, it was in the evening already
so my make up was nearly gone..
Lately I try to dress up more.. proper fairy kei?
The wig is a new one I got from my taobao christmas order! (I still need to post my haul~)
When I was there I also took a few pictures, but not a lot because the sun was shining too much and then I forgot and gaah..
But here are the few I took!
with one of the girls I met there ♥
Isabella and me♥
Again Isabella because she is sooo pretty!! *3*
And this is Vanny :3
I loved her shirt *.*
Isabella again, I was stalking her a bit. e.e~
So.. Yeah, this was my day? xD
I really enjoyed it and hope to repeat it in the future if I did not annoy them in the end >3<~
What do you think about my look of that day? ^^
Hope you liked my post ♥ I'd be happy about comments! ♥
See you later ♥
Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014
Review: Barbie/Dueba Puffy 3-tones grey
Another one ;33~
Barbie/Dueba Puffy 3-tones grey
Data:Size: 16,2mm
Water Content: 38%
These are one year lasting 3-tone (grey, black, lightbrown) circle lenses with a base curve of 8,6mm.
You can buy those big eye circle lenses HERE !
Don't forget the discount code "AJH10" because you'll get a 10% discount!
Surprisingly these lenses were not for a cosplay! ^.~
No, I got them as a "present" for a big order from UNIQSO - I say, these sellers are awesome! From time to time they have special promotions were you get lenses for $1 or free after buying a certain amount of lenses!
I have to admit that I did not like these lenses at first.
These are the only lenses I own which have a really light colour on my eyes. And I was really creeped out by my look at first xD; but I realized I like them in the end. ♥
I just wore them for my Visual Kei looks at first (I sadly don't have any proper pictures of them), but tried them for other stuff too.
No, I got them as a "present" for a big order from UNIQSO - I say, these sellers are awesome! From time to time they have special promotions were you get lenses for $1 or free after buying a certain amount of lenses!
I have to admit that I did not like these lenses at first.
These are the only lenses I own which have a really light colour on my eyes. And I was really creeped out by my look at first xD; but I realized I like them in the end. ♥
I just wore them for my Visual Kei looks at first (I sadly don't have any proper pictures of them), but tried them for other stuff too.
natural light
indoor light
natural light
It's amazing how light they look on my dark eyes.
I was so shocked xD
But it's so cool~ and I use them pretty often when I want light eyes ^^
I took some pictures with my everyday style for this review!
With Socke in the background xD she's so lazy~
This ismy everyday look, I wear my extensions and a bit wavy or straight hair.
These lenses don't look too scary with lashes and make up, that's awesome.
Also, I wear these lenses for my Levi cosplay.
nice, eh? Perfect Levi lenses *.* (still need to improve my make up)
Style + colour: 10/10 - Really good colour, even on dark eyes! The three colours of the lenses make them not too unnatural
Comfort: 10/10 - I can wear them all day, had never any pain of them!
All in all: 10/10 - my most favorite lenses ♥
What do you think about such a heavy change in eyecolours?
I think it's awesome to be able to change your eyes' colour that much! *_*
Aiji ♥
Review: Beuberry Momo Black
Hi all ♥♥
Again, a circle lense review! ♥
Size: 16mm
Water Content: 55%
These are one year lasting monocoloured (black) circle lenses with a base curve of 8,6mm.
You can buy those big eye circle lenses HERE !
Don't forget the discount code "AJH10" because you'll get a 10% discount!
As nearly always, I bought those lenses for a cosplay.
They were for my Mikasa (Shingeki no Kyojin) cosplay, but ended up being one of my favorite everyday lenses!
You can use them without a heavy make up, and for boy-ish and girly styling, but I love them for girly stuff, because they make my eyes looking like doll-eyes ♥
They a very comfortable and if I have a bit sensitive eyes and still want to wear lenses, I'm choosing them. They go into the eye very good.
Only contra is that you can't easily see if the lenses are the wrong or the right side, because their design looks the same on both sizes! (But easy trick, if the lense is on your finger, take it and squish it gently with the index finger and thumb of the other hand, if it still is round it's the right way, if it's "sucking" on your finger (Like, going to it.. xx don't know how to explain) it's wrong!)
Those lenses blend really good with my dark eyes, but they also do this on Maya's light eyes! (She also owns them), so they're good for both, light and dark eyes.
When taking pictures of the lenses I noticed that I was unphotogenic..
So there's just one pic with the makeup from above!
But luckily I took other pictures with those lenses for the review another day,
and I have some other cute pictures!
This day I tried a Mikasa-hairstyle in my regular styling (I have to admit, even though it's not that good, it looks better than my Mikasa wig xD)
Also, on the following pictures I wore the Beuberry Momo black lenses.
As you can see: always really dolly eyes *___*
Now~ Rating ^.^
Style + colour: 10/10 - Again, lenses I bought for a cosplay but look good everyday, because they blend so good in my eyes!
Comfort: 10/10 - I never had any problems with them ♥
All in all: 10/10 - perfect everyday and cosplay lenses ♥
Hope this review helped you ♥
Aiji ♥
Again, a circle lense review! ♥
Beuberry Momo ~ black
Size: 16mm
Water Content: 55%
These are one year lasting monocoloured (black) circle lenses with a base curve of 8,6mm.
You can buy those big eye circle lenses HERE !
Don't forget the discount code "AJH10" because you'll get a 10% discount!
As nearly always, I bought those lenses for a cosplay.
They were for my Mikasa (Shingeki no Kyojin) cosplay, but ended up being one of my favorite everyday lenses!
You can use them without a heavy make up, and for boy-ish and girly styling, but I love them for girly stuff, because they make my eyes looking like doll-eyes ♥
They a very comfortable and if I have a bit sensitive eyes and still want to wear lenses, I'm choosing them. They go into the eye very good.
Only contra is that you can't easily see if the lenses are the wrong or the right side, because their design looks the same on both sizes! (But easy trick, if the lense is on your finger, take it and squish it gently with the index finger and thumb of the other hand, if it still is round it's the right way, if it's "sucking" on your finger (Like, going to it.. xx don't know how to explain) it's wrong!)
in natural light
with flash
with flash and make up
Those lenses blend really good with my dark eyes, but they also do this on Maya's light eyes! (She also owns them), so they're good for both, light and dark eyes.
When taking pictures of the lenses I noticed that I was unphotogenic..
So there's just one pic with the makeup from above!
But luckily I took other pictures with those lenses for the review another day,
and I have some other cute pictures!
Also, on the following pictures I wore the Beuberry Momo black lenses.
As you can see: always really dolly eyes *___*
Now~ Rating ^.^
Style + colour: 10/10 - Again, lenses I bought for a cosplay but look good everyday, because they blend so good in my eyes!
Comfort: 10/10 - I never had any problems with them ♥
All in all: 10/10 - perfect everyday and cosplay lenses ♥
Hope this review helped you ♥
Aiji ♥
Freitag, 17. Januar 2014
Review: iFairy Lumos Pink
Hello my Cuties ♥
I hope you are fine!
Today I have the first circle lense review of my list for you~ ♥
Size: 16,2mm
Water Content: 55%
These are one year lasting two colour lenses (pink and black) with a base curve of 8,6mm.
You can buy those big eye circle lenses HERE !
Don't forget the discount code "AJH10" because you'll get a 10% discount!
The first time I wore those lenses was at the Leipziger Buchmesse for my KIRA cosplay.
I didn't wear them a lot after that because their colour was so heavy,
but currently those are one of my favorite lenses next to my Beuberry Poppy Green [Review: here] and my Barbie Puffy 3-tones grey.
They are really comfortable because of their high water content, and even though they are large, they still don't hurt my eyes. I can wear them for more than 8 hours without any problem, if I'd use eyedrops even more, I think.
As you can see, they're pretty see-able no matter how the light is!
That's pretty awesome because it's not happening often with my dark eyes. Most lenses are just a bit visible or just in sunlight v_v
Above is a close up shot of the lenses with flash and make up,
I chosed a "manga"-like look for those lenses because I think this looks really good and I wanted to try a "real life manga" look anyway! I was always amazed by Anastasiya Shpagina's looks (you should check out her youtube because she made awesome make up tutorials recently, not only "anime" tutorials).
What do you think about this look?
For me the lenses really fits those style ^3^ and I really liked my look like this, I guess I'm going to do such a heavy make up more often. I just need bigger upper lashes! (those are already two pairs glued together..)
Now, Rating the lenses:
Style + colour: 10/10 - I bought them for a cosplay and they perfectly fitted, but also look good on a regular basis!
Comfort: 8/10 - sometimes, when my eyes tend to be a bit dry they annoy me a bit faster than other lenses
All in all: 9/10 - those lenses are awesome, and I just like my grey ones from Barbie a bit more ♥
Hope you like those lenses and the review, and that it was helpful if you thought about buying them ♥
I totally recommend them for everyone! ♥
I hope you are fine!
Today I have the first circle lense review of my list for you~ ♥
iFairy Lumos ~ Pink
Size: 16,2mm
Water Content: 55%
These are one year lasting two colour lenses (pink and black) with a base curve of 8,6mm.
You can buy those big eye circle lenses HERE !
Don't forget the discount code "AJH10" because you'll get a 10% discount!
I didn't wear them a lot after that because their colour was so heavy,
but currently those are one of my favorite lenses next to my Beuberry Poppy Green [Review: here] and my Barbie Puffy 3-tones grey.
They are really comfortable because of their high water content, and even though they are large, they still don't hurt my eyes. I can wear them for more than 8 hours without any problem, if I'd use eyedrops even more, I think.
with sunlight
with flash
and with indoor-light
As you can see, they're pretty see-able no matter how the light is!
That's pretty awesome because it's not happening often with my dark eyes. Most lenses are just a bit visible or just in sunlight v_v
Above is a close up shot of the lenses with flash and make up,
I chosed a "manga"-like look for those lenses because I think this looks really good and I wanted to try a "real life manga" look anyway! I was always amazed by Anastasiya Shpagina's looks (you should check out her youtube because she made awesome make up tutorials recently, not only "anime" tutorials).
What do you think about this look?
For me the lenses really fits those style ^3^ and I really liked my look like this, I guess I'm going to do such a heavy make up more often. I just need bigger upper lashes! (those are already two pairs glued together..)
Now, Rating the lenses:
Style + colour: 10/10 - I bought them for a cosplay and they perfectly fitted, but also look good on a regular basis!
Comfort: 8/10 - sometimes, when my eyes tend to be a bit dry they annoy me a bit faster than other lenses
All in all: 9/10 - those lenses are awesome, and I just like my grey ones from Barbie a bit more ♥
Hope you like those lenses and the review, and that it was helpful if you thought about buying them ♥
I totally recommend them for everyone! ♥
Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014
Circle lenses I own + review links
Hey Sweethearts ♥
I decided to make a post with pictures of my circle lenses and link the reviews I made about them here.
I'm going to add a review for every pair with some exeptations, and I will always update this post when I finished one with a link, and update it also when I have another pair.
I have some lenses in there I can't wear anymore, I'll leave them in there for remembering everything right!
When you're buying lenses from UNIQSO add the discount code "AJH10" and you will get a 10% discount!
Barbie Puffy 3-tones ~ grey
Review ~click here~
"Cool Blue" Cosplaylenses
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
Beuberry Bella ~ green
Review ~coming soon~
iFairy Lumos ~ pink
Review ~click here~
Barbie Angel ~ blue
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
Beuberry Momo ~ black
Review ~click here~

Geo Angel ~ grey
UNIQSO link (those are the Super Angel grey, which are a bit bigger but I can't find the normal ones)
Review ~click here~
iFairy Trinity ~ green
Review ~coming soon~
Geo Big Grang Grang ~ Choco
Review ~click here~
Beuberry Poppy ~ green
Review ~click here~ [gonna redo the pictures of those soon]
iFairy Ash ~ violet
Review ~click here~ [gonna redo the pictures of those soon]
Fairy Queen ~ brown
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
I decided to make a post with pictures of my circle lenses and link the reviews I made about them here.
I'm going to add a review for every pair with some exeptations, and I will always update this post when I finished one with a link, and update it also when I have another pair.
I have some lenses in there I can't wear anymore, I'll leave them in there for remembering everything right!
When you're buying lenses from UNIQSO add the discount code "AJH10" and you will get a 10% discount!
Barbie Puffy 3-tone ~ grey
Cosplaylenses from funnylens.de ~ „cool blue“
Beuberry Bella ~ green
iFairy Lumos ~ pink
Barbie Angel ~ blue
Beuberry Momo ~ black
Geo Angel ~ grey
iFairy Trinity ~ green
Geo Big Grang Grang ~ choco
Beuberry Poppy ~ green
iFairy Ash ~ violet
Fairy Queen ~ brown
Cosplaylenses from funnylens.de ~ „cool blue“
Beuberry Bella ~ green
iFairy Lumos ~ pink
Barbie Angel ~ blue
Beuberry Momo ~ black
Geo Angel ~ grey
iFairy Trinity ~ green
Geo Big Grang Grang ~ choco
Beuberry Poppy ~ green
iFairy Ash ~ violet
Fairy Queen ~ brown
Barbie Puffy 3-tones ~ grey
Review ~click here~
"Cool Blue" Cosplaylenses
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
Beuberry Bella ~ green
Review ~coming soon~
iFairy Lumos ~ pink
Review ~click here~
Barbie Angel ~ blue
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
Beuberry Momo ~ black
Review ~click here~
Geo Angel ~ grey
UNIQSO link (those are the Super Angel grey, which are a bit bigger but I can't find the normal ones)
Review ~click here~
iFairy Trinity ~ green
Review ~coming soon~
Geo Big Grang Grang ~ Choco
Review ~click here~
Beuberry Poppy ~ green
Review ~click here~ [gonna redo the pictures of those soon]
iFairy Ash ~ violet
Review ~click here~ [gonna redo the pictures of those soon]
Fairy Queen ~ brown
[no review available because they are already too old to wear]
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