Hello and maybe welcome to my blog!
I'm glad that you're reading this post because this means either that you came back because I finally made a new post or that you're a new reader who's interested in what I write!
I didn't blog for months because I just had no interest at all, thinking about blogging stressed me so I did not read any blogs or posted in my own one.
But somehow I also missed writing, so I thought it might be good if I re-start everything.
I didn't want to loose followers and I didn't have any ideas for a new blogname (XD), so I kept the old one, deleted all posts except of the reviews and my Japan posts, and edited the layout.
I'm not posting a lot of personal content this time, I guess, I want this blog to be about my outfits, events and everything like that and not about my life anymore
I hope this was a good idea and that I can keep all this up to date!
Since all of you people who don't have me as a friend on facebook or follow me on instagram don't know anything about the last few months, and how I changed, I'm going to talk a bit about what happened with me until now...
I had to colour my hair black because my hair fell out to some allergic reaction,
I'm not happy about it but I will keep it like that so it grows healthier than it would be bleached...
Also, I'm again more and more into light colours, pastells and stuff.
After I tried Hime Gyaru I thought it wouldn't suit me, and tried to be more Oshare Kei, but it did not make me happy.
I fell in love with Mori Kei, which is in combination with Fairy Kei and Cult Party Kei my current style. I'm not listening to "style rules", this is just everything I get my inspirations from.
I'm also wearing more visual kei-ish stuff again, sometimes, but it's more a dansou (crossdress) thing, so when I'm all girly I'm not into black clothing...Weird, I know.
Next to my new style preferences I found my love for BJDs again, I'm currently owning two MSDs, and one SD body with two heads... also I'm really into cosplaying again recently! ♥
Now, have some pictures of my recent face and outfits.
Most of them are taken from my instagram, which is yasha_hime, btw. I'm happy about new followers :)
The last two pictures are from yesterday,
I had to wear an eyepatch because I had a pinkeye.. and I couldn't wear any make up because it hurt. lol
The long hair is a half wig which I really love because it's cute and easier to wear than extensions, but I'm getting also human hair extensions so I can do basic looks with long hair. ^3^
On sunday is Dojaku, where I'm going to be and cosplay, after that (or maybe earlier?) you can expect a new post from me!
I hope that you're enjoying my blog again, I'd love to hear feedback from you ♥
See you soon.